Training, teaching and having fellowship with Pastors from all over the world in each country Echo is located.
Blessing many families and individuals that are poor, hungry and struggling during these tough times. Sharing the power of Jesus and how He provides for them.
Distribute as many Bibles as God Allows us to worldwide.
Servicing and rejuvenating existing "Boreholes", as well as building new boreholes and drinking stations across Africa. This helps provides fresh clean drinking water, water for cooking and their livestock.
Providing skill set courses and programs at no cost to all people in: Computers, sewing, hairdressing, soap making and English courses.
Helping those who have broken mud homes or live in extreme poverty, widows and orphans with a new built house.
Sharing the gospel and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ across as many villages, town and cities we can across the world.
Creating soccer competitions with prizes,and seeing many people come together, having fun, and also sharing the Gospel to the crowds.