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Global Gospel Impact

Hebrews 10:25

Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

So great to be informing you all and updating you on what the Lord is doing around the Globe. In Burundi, the crusades have been drawing thousands of people and the team have been able and privileged by the Lord to witness miracles, healing, people being set free, and witnessing so many souls come to Christ and attending Church. Pastors training has been drawing many people from different regions to partake in the course. Our education center has been seeing many graduating from computer, sewing, English and hairdressing classes. We praise God also for the kids ministry, which attracts many children from rural villages to our fun, safe learning center.

In Uganda, we have successfully completed the school for 300 children who will be sleeping and learning at the center. These children either have a parent in prison or come from a single-parent home. The pastors' training in Uganda is also doing great, and the team has witnessed many being set free from spiritual bondage. Bible distribution in rural areas has been joyfully received by many, and they are thankful to receive the Word of God for free. The surgeries we help fund and provide for kids and young adults are touching lives, and the joy on their faces is truly heartwarming.

In Malawi, the soccer competition has become so popular, drawing thousands to watch matches played between different towns. It's incredible to witness how a soccer competition turns into a crusade for Christ! In Ntcheu, the education center continues to attract people not only from the local area but also from neighboring villages who come to participate in our skill-set courses. The pastors' training in Salima and Lunzu still registers hundreds of pastors who greatly appreciate the training they receive, leading to many testimonies of life-changing transformations.

In Ghana, the team shares stories of traveling to far locations where they not only train pastors but also teach people in churches about discipleship. Training and equipping the body of Christ to share the gospel is a crucial command from our Lord Jesus. The results have been incredible, with many souls accepting Jesus and attending Church. The team also continues to distribute Bibles across the country.

In Nepal, the discipleship course has been receiving students not only locally but also from Bhutan, India, and other neighboring countries. These students spend months training and getting equipped to take the gospel to their home towns. The pastors and their wives training has been equally successful, drawing many churches to participate in the course. The recent start of the soccer competition during the school holidays brought much happiness to the attending kids, and they were shown the love of God through this program.

In the Philippines, the vacation Bible school for children has started in different regions, and parents and children are extremely grateful, especially in these times of hardship. The pastors and their wives training, along with the discipleship programs, are expanding to other areas, thanks to the significant results from previously trained pastors. We praise God for helping build Churches, providing medical aid, and equipping leaders with what they need.

In Pakistan, hundreds have been getting baptized and completing discipleship courses. The team has been going from town to town conducting courses, and a recent big conference for 180 pastors showed the unity among them. The discipleship course is also running well, with many eager to participate. Our efforts to free slaves from brick kilns and provide them a safe place and care have brought overwhelming joy to those set free. Praise the Lord for this work!

In Taiwan, we've been ministering to local churches and training the body of Christ with our discipleship course in different mountains. It's truly heartwarming to see Buddhists turning to Jesus and getting baptized. Many are finding freedom in Christ, breaking free from a religious spirit. The basketball competitions and children's programs are also thriving.

Lastly, in New Zealand, our three locations have seen remarkable growth, providing help to those in need. We now rent a conference room where we not only feed 120 plus people but also run a Bible study for them. The kids' ministry in another location has been a great blessing to attending families, providing both physical and spiritual nourishment. Our community outreaches during December have seen over 500 families attending, and we showed them the love of Christ through various activities and provisions. These events have been especially appreciated during challenging times with rising costs of food and fuel.

Hopefully the pictures provided can bring some joy in your life to see what has been written. Just remember, friends, to continue fellow-shipping with brothers and sisters in church and encouraging each other. The reason for this blog is to do exactly that. Encouraging you that God is alive, His people are doing His will and work globally, and lost souls are turning to Christ.


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